There are days when you feel as though your life is spiraling out of control – and you need something to calm you down. This Yin Yoga sequence is a simple way to relieve stress.
Yesterday my thoughts were all over the place and I couldn’t focus on anything. I’ve had a very exhausting time in the last few days/weeks. I thought I’m fine but I was not.
I knew I had to do something about it, so I went on my yoga mat without a plan. I simply listened and practiced what my body told me. This sequence is nothing special, but it doesn’t have to be special. It simply needs to do one thing: Relieve stress.
And let me tell you: 2 minutes into deer pose I felt my brain letting go and my body completely surrendering. It can be that simple.
Sequence Overview
Yin Yoga Pose (5-10 minutes) | Counter Pose (1-2 minutes) |
Butterfly Pose | Corpse with bolster under knees |
Deer Pose (both sides) | Child’s Pose |
Corpse with bolster under knees | Side Fetal Pose |
Meditate |

54 Yin Yoga Cards
Yin Yoga poses with stick figures and English pose names for yin yoga teachers and yin yoga beginners!
Use these printable yin yoga poses to create your own yin yoga sequence. These cards are designed to make it easy and fun to come up with unique yoga sequences.
Yin Yoga Sequence With Stick Figures
I created this stick figure sequence in Canva!