English & Sanskrit Yoga Poses Illustrated With Stick-Figures
If you like yoga stick-figures or want to learn the Sanskrit and English names of Hatha Yoga poses, this list is great for beginners and yoga teachers.

Free Samples: 24 Yoga Stick-Figure Cards
If you were thinking about getting my 108 Yoga Pose Cards and you are still wondering whether this product is right for you or not … Try these FREE samples

108 Hatha Yoga Poses Poster
Yoga Poses with Stickfigures, English and Sanskrit pose names
- Instant download
- 4 digital files in the following sizes: 24×36“, 18×24“, Din A1, Din A3
- High-resolution (300 dpi) PDF files – ready to print!

108 Hatha Yoga Cards
Yoga Poses with Stickfigures, English and Sanskrit pose names
- Instant download
- 108 JPG files in business card size
- PDF print file with 16 poses per page (7 pages) in size Letter and Din A4
List of 108 Hatha Yoga Poses
The name of each yoga posture is given in two languages: English and Sanskrit. If you’re interested in learning how to pronounce Sanskrit yoga pose names, this Sanskrit pronunciation guide will help you.
English Pose Name | Sanskrit Pose Name | Sanskrit IAST1IAST is the “International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration“. Sanskrit is actually written in Devanāgarī, which is a different writing system than Latin script (the writing system used in English). To make it possible for you to read Sanskrit, Yoga Paper uses the IAST system for writing Sanskrit. Read more about IAST on Wikipedia |
Big Toe Pose | Padangusthasana | pādāṅguṣṭhāsana |
Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose | Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana | utthita hasta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana |
Reclining Big Toe Pose | Supta Padangusthasana | supta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana |
Bird of Paradise Pose | Svarga Dvijasana | svarga dvijāsana |
Boat Pose | Navasana | nāvāsana |
Bound Angle Pose | Baddha Konasana | baddha koṇāsana |
Reclining Bound Angle Pose | Supta Baddha Konasana | supta baddha koṇāsana |
Bow Pose | Dhanurasana | dhanurāsana |
Upward bow /Wheel Pose | Urdhva Dhanurasana / Chakrasana | ūrdhva dhanurāsana / cakrāsana |
Bridge Pose | Setu Bandha Sarvangasana | setu bandha sarvāṅgāsana |
Camel Pose | Ustrasana | uṣṭrāsana |
Cat Pose | Bidalasana / Marjariasana | biḍālāsana / mārjārāsana |
Chair Pose | Utkatasana | utkaṭāsana |
Revolved Chair Pose | Parivrtta Utkatasana | parivṛtta utkaṭāsana |
Child’s Pose | Balasana | bālāsana |
Cobra Pose | Bhujangasana | bhujaṅgāsana |
Baby Cobra Pose | Ardha Bhujangasana | ardha bhujaṅgāsana |
Corpse Pose | Shavasana | śavāsana |
Cow Pose | Bitilasana | bitilāsana |
Crane Pose | Bakasana | bakāsana |
Crow Pose | Kakasana | kākāsana |
Crescent Moon Pose | Anjaneyasana | āñjaneyāsana |
Revolved Crescent Moon Pose | Parivrtta Anjaneyasana | parivṛtta āñjaneyāsana |
Dolphin Pose | Ardha Pincha Mayurasana | ardha piñca mayūrāsana |
Dolphin Plank Pose | Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana | makara adho mukha śvānāsana |
Downward-Facing Dog Pose | Adho Mukha Shvanasana | adho mukha śvānāsana |
1-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose | Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana | ekapāda adho mukha śvānāsana |
Revolved Downward-Facing Dog Pose | Parivrtta Adho Mukha Shvanasana | parivṛtta adho mukha śvānāsana |
Eagle Pose | Garudasana | garuḍāsana |
Reclining Revolved Eagle Pose | Supta Parivrtta Garudasana | supta parivṛtta garuḍāsana |
Easy Pose | Sukhasana | sukhāsana |
Revolved Easy Pose | Parivrtta Sukhasana | parivṛtta sukhāsana |
Fire Log / Double Pigeon Pose | Agnistambhasana | agnistambhāsana |
Fish Pose | Matsyasana | matsyāsana |
5-Pointed Star Pose | Utthita Tadasana | utthita tāḍāsana |
Frog Pose | Bhekasana | bhekāsana |
Half Frog Pose | Ardha Bhekasana | ardha bhekāsana |
Garland / Yogi’s Squat Pose | Malasana | mālāsana |
Goddess Pose | Utkata Konasana | utkaṭa koṇāsana |
Gorilla Pose | Padahastasana | pādahastāsana |
Half Moon Pose | Ardha Chandrasana | ardha candrāsana |
Revolved Half Moon Pose | Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana | parivṛtta ardha candrāsana |
Half Moon Bow Pose | Ardha Chandra Chapasana | ardha candra cāpāsana |
Handstand Pose | Adho Mukha Vrksasana | adho mukha vṛkṣāsana |
Happy Baby Pose | Ananda Balasana | ānanda bālāsana |
Half Happy Baby Pose | Ardha Ananda Balasana | ardha ānanda bālāsana |
Supported Headstand Pose | Salamba Sirsasana | sālamba śīrṣāsana |
Head-To-Knee Pose | Janu Sirsasana | jānu śīrṣāsana |
Revolved Head-To-Knee Pose | Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana | parivṛtta jānu śīrṣāsana |
Hero Pose | Virasana | vīrāsana |
Reclining Hero Pose | Supta Virasana | supta vīrāsana |
Intense Side Stretch Pose | Parshvottanasana | pārśvottānāsana |
Locust Pose | Salabhasana | śalabhāsana |
Lord of the Dance Pose | Natarajasana | naṭarājāsana |
Lotus Pose | Padmasana | padmāsana |
Marichi’s Pose A Pose | Marichyasana 1 | maricyāsana I |
Marichi’s Pose C Pose | Marichyasana 3 | maricyāsana III |
Melting Heart Pose | Anahatasana | anāhatāsana |
Monkey Pose | Hanumanasana | hanumānāsana |
Half Monkey Pose | Ardha Hanumanasana | ardha hanumānāsana |
Mountain Pose | Tadasana / Samastitihi | tāḍāsana / samasthitiḥ |
Peacock Pose | Mayurasana | mayūrāsana |
Feathered Peacock Pose | Pincha Mayurasana | piñca mayūrāsana |
Wounded Peacock Pose | Pungu Mayurasana | pungu mayūrāsana |
Pigeon Pose | Kapotasana | kapotāsana |
King Pigeon Pose | Rajakapotasana | rāja kapotāsana |
One-legged King Pigeon Pose | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana | ekapāda rāja kapotāsana |
Half Pigeon Pose | Ardha Kapotasana | ardha kapotāsana |
Supine Pigeon Pose | Supta Kapotasana | supta kapotāsana |
Plank Pose | Kumbhakasana | kumbhakāsana |
Side Plank Pose | Vasisthasana | vasiṣṭhāsana |
Upward Plank Pose | Purvottanasana | pūrvottānāsana |
Plow Pose | Halasana | halāsana |
Scorpion Pose | Vrischikasana | vṛścikāsana |
Seated Forward Bend Pose | Paschimottanasana | paścimottānāsana |
Extended Side Angle Pose | Utthita Parshvakonasana | utthita pārśvakoṇāsana |
Revolved Side Angle Pose | Parivrtta Parsvakonasana | parivṛtta pārśvakoṇāsana |
Side Fetal Pose | Parsva Savasana | pārśva śavāsana |
Side Lunge Pose | Skandasana | skandāsana |
Shoulder Stand Pose | Salamba Sarvangasana | sālamba sarvāṅgāsana |
Sphinx Pose | Salamba Bhujangasana | sālamba bhujaṅgāsana |
Staff Pose | Dandasana | daṇḍāsana |
Inverted Staff Pose | Viparita Dandasana | viparīta daṇḍāsana |
1-Legged Inverted Staff Pose | Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana | ekapāda viparīta daṇḍāsana |
Four-Limbed Staff Pose | Chaturanga Dandasana | caturaṅga daṇḍāsana |
Half Four-Limbed Staff Pose | Ardha Chaturanga Dandasana | ardha caturaṅga daṇḍāsana |
Standing Forward Bend Pose | Uttanasana | uttānāsana |
Standing Half Forward Bend Pose | Ardha Uttanasana | ardha uttānāsana |
Supine Twist Pose | Supta Matsyendrasana | supta matsyendrāsana |
Thread the Needle Pose | Parsva Balasana | pārśva bālāsana |
Thunderbolt Pose | Vajrasana | vajrāsana |
Revolved Thunderbolt Pose | Parivrtta Vajrasana | parivṛtta vajrāsana |
Tree Pose | Vrikshasana | vṛkṣāsana |
Extended Triangle Pose | Utthita Trikonasana | utthita trikoṇāsana |
Revolved Triangle Pose | Parivrtta Trikonasana | parivṛtta trikoṇāsana |
Upward-Facing Dog Pose | Urdhva Mukha Svanasana | ūrdhva mukha śvānāsana |
Upward Salute Pose | Urdhva Hastasana | ūrdhva hāstāsana |
Upward Salute Side Bend Pose | Parsva Urdhva Hastasana | pārśva ūrdhva hāstāsana |
Warrior 1 Pose | Virabhadrasana I | vīrabhadrāsana I |
Warrior 2 Pose | Virabhadrasana II | vīrabhadrāsana II |
Reverse Warrior Pose | Viparita Virabhadrasana | viparīta vīrabhadrāsana |
Humble Warrior Pose | Baddha Virabhadrasana | baddha vīrabhadrāsana |
Warrior 3 Pose | Virabhadrasana III | vīrabhadrāsana III |
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose | Upavistha Konasana | upaviṣṭa koṇāsana |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose | Prasarita Padottanasana | prasārita pādottānāsana |
Wild Thing Pose | Camatkarasana | camatkārāsana |
Wind-Relieving Pose | Pavanamuktasana | pavanamuktāsana |
1-Legged Wind-Relieving Pose | Eka Pada Pavanamuktasana | ekapāda pavanamuktāsana |

A yoga space is not just a room where you carry out your practice. You need to create an environment that inspires you to practice and makes you want to come back for more.
Printable Downloads
Get your printable yoga PDF files now! You can purchase them in my Etsy shop:
Yoga Cards
Use them to create personalized sequences, learn the poses names and Sanskrit, or teach them to your kids so they can use their imagination while practicing yoga.
- They’re a great way to learn the pose names in English and Sanskrit
- They can be combined in new ways to create your own yoga sequence.
- Use them to help you study for your yoga teacher training course.
- They’re an exciting learning tool for kids, too – let them have fun creating their own yoga practice!

These 108 flashcards are intended for practicing yoga at home. The fact that you can print the cards out to practice on your own time and space without the one right way to do anything will help you feel more confident as a student of yoga. These cards are a great tool to use for teaching or rehearsing for your own class.
Poster: 108 Poses + Names
Whether you’re decorating your yoga space at home or in your yoga studio, this poster is so light and playful that it can be a calming addition to any environment, making practicing, and living a little easier.
- A printable yoga poster that features the names of 108 common hatha yoga poses.
- Ideal for yoga teachers, yoga students and anyone who wants to know the name of a pose when they see it!

Poster: 108 Poses (Stick-Figures Only)
Decorating a yoga space is a powerful way to create a more peaceful and inviting environment for practicing. Whether you own a studio or teach at home, our this poster is the perfect tool for creating your personal sacred space.
- A printable yoga poster that features 108 hatha yoga poses with stick-figures

Hatha Yoga Pose Names
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