Lion’s breath will make you feel light, loose and free. It is an exercise that stretches your face muscles, jaw, and tongue. It can relieve tension and stress.

How To Do Lion’s Breath
- Breathe in through your nose
- Exhale
- Open your mouth wide
- stick out your tongue
- say „ha“ while forcefully exhaling
- focus on your third eye or the tip of your nose

Sanskrit Name
Lion’s Breath is generally done in Lion’s pose, although it may also be done in another comfortable and stable position.
Lion’s pose is also known as siṃhāsana in Sanskrit. It shares its name with the lion because the sound it creates during execution is similar to that of a lion’s roar.
- siṃha = lion 1
- āsana = posture

Lion’s Breath And Your Throat Chakra
This powerful breathing technique can help you to clear blockages in your throat chakra. Lion’s breath can be used to help you become more energized, to relax, and to relieve stress.