It’s not uncommon for yogis, both seasoned and newbies, to grapple with remembering the names of yoga poses. The dynamic blend of Sanskrit and English terminology can certainly feel overwhelming. Yet, knowing the names and meanings of yoga poses can deepen your practice and appreciation for this ancient discipline. In this article, we’ll dive into a comprehensive list of yoga poses, identifying each asana by its English and Sanskrit name.
Āsana Explained: What We Call Yoga Poses in Sanskrit
Yoga is an ancient practice full of rich history, and this shows in the Sanskrit names of the yoga poses. Each name does more than just describe a posture. It tells a story, connects us to the origins of yoga, and helps us understand the meaning behind each pose. Yet, as someone who practices yoga today, you might find these Sanskrit names a little bit tricky.
In Sanskrit, the word for a yoga pose is “āsana“. This word means “pose” or “seat”. So, when you hear a yoga pose name that ends with “āsana”, you know it’s the Sanskrit pose name.
The Magic of Sanskrit Yoga Pose Names
Understanding the Sanskrit names of yoga poses is more than a memory exercise. It’s a way to deepen your connection to the practice and its cultural origins. Sanskrit names often hold clues about the pose – whether it’s the body parts involved, the pose’s resemblance to a creature or object, or the desired effect of the pose. By exploring these names, we invite a richer understanding and respect for the depth of yoga as a practice.
Embarking on the journey to understand yoga pose names can be fascinating and enriching. I hope this comprehensive list of yoga pose names in English and Sanskrit serves as a useful guide, whether you’re lesson planning, studying, or simply deepening your practice. Remember, yoga is a journey, not a destination. So, enjoy each step and every āsana!
Three Ways to Name a Yoga Pose: English, Correct Sanskrit (IAST), and Common Sanskrit
In this yoga pose list, you’ll see each pose named in three ways. First, there’s the English name, which many of us are most familiar with. Next, we have the Sanskrit name written in IAST. This helps us pronounce the Sanskrit words as accurately as possible. Lastly, you’ll see a common version of the Sanskrit name. This version doesn’t include special marks called ‘diacritics’, which are important in Sanskrit but often left out in the Western yoga world. So, while this version isn’t technically correct, it’s widely used and recognized in many yoga communities.
International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST)
IAST, or International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration, is a system used to write the Sanskrit language using the alphabet we’re familiar with. It’s a way to see and write Sanskrit words when we don’t know the original script. This helps us pronounce Sanskrit words more accurately. So, when you see yoga pose names in IAST, it’s just Sanskrit written in a way that’s easier for us to read and say.
List of Yoga Pose Names
Dive into this complete guide of common yoga poses, each listed with their English and Sanskrit names. Whether you’re a yoga teacher, practitioner, or student, this list is a helpful resource to deepen your understanding and practice.
English Pose Name | Sanskrit Pose Name (IAST) | Sanskrit Pose Name (Common) |
Accomplished Pose | siddhāsana | Siddhasana |
Airplane Pose | digāsana | Digasana |
Archer Pose | ākarṇa dhanurāsana | Akarna Dhanurasana |
Baby Cobra Pose | ardha bhujaṅgāsana | Ardha Bhujangasana |
Baby Cradle Pose | hindolāsana | Hindolasana |
Ball Pose | piṇḍāsana | Pindasana |
Bharadvajas Twist Pose A | bharadvājāsana I | Bharadvajasana I |
Big Toe Pose | pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Padangusthasana |
Bird Of Paradise Pose | svarga dvijāsana | Svarga Dvijasana |
Boat Pose | nāvāsana | Navasana |
Bound Angle Pose | baddha koṇāsana | Baddha Konasana |
Bound Angle Headstand Pose | baddha koṇā śīrṣāsana | Baddha Kona Sirshasana |
Bound Infinity Pose | baddha anantāsana | Baddha Anantasana |
Bound Lotus Pose | baddha padmāsana | Baddha Padmasana |
Bound Revolved Garland Pose | ardha baddha parivṛtta mālāsana | Ardha Baddha Parivrtta Malasana |
Bound Wheel Pose | cakra bandhāsana | Cakra Bandhasana |
Bow Pose | dhanurāsana | Dhanurasana |
Bridge Pose | setu bandha sarvāṅgāsana | Setu Bandha Sarvangasana |
Bridge Building Pose | setu bandhāsana | Setu Bandhasana |
Camel Pose | uṣṭrāsana | Ustrasana |
Cat Pose | biḍālāsana / mārjārāsana | Bidalasana / Marjarasana |
Chair Pose | utkaṭāsana | Utkatasana |
Chest-Knees-Chin Pose | aṣṭāṅga namaskāra | Astanga Namaskara |
Childs Pose | bālāsana | Balasana |
Cobra Pose | bhujaṅgāsana | Bhujangasana |
Corpse Pose | śavāsana | Shavasana |
Cow Pose | bitilāsana | Bitilasana |
Cow Face Pose | gomukhāsana | Gomukhasana |
Cowherd Pose | gorakṣāsana | Goraksasana |
Crane Pose | bakāsana | Bakasana |
Crocodile Pose | makarāsana | Makarasana |
Crocodile Pose (Ashtanga) | nakrāsana | Nakrasana |
Crow Pose | kākāsana | Kakasana |
Dolphin Pose | ardha piñca mayūrāsana | Ardha Pinca Mayurasana |
Dolphin Plank Pose | makara adho mukha śvānāsana | Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana |
Double Big Toe Pose | ubhaya pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Ubhaya Padangusthasana |
Downward-Facing Dog Pose | adho mukha śvānāsana | Adho Mukha Svanasana |
Eagle Pose | garuḍāsana | Garudasana |
Ear Pressure Pose | karṇapīḍāsana | Karnapidasana |
Eight Angle Pose | aṣṭāvakrāsana | Astavakrasana |
Elbow Stand Pose | śayanāsana | Sayanasana |
Elephant Trunk Pose | ekahasta bhujapīḍāsana | Ekahasta Bhujapidasana |
Embryo In Womb Pose | garbha piṇḍāsana | Garbha Pindasana |
Extended Childs Pose | utthita bālāsana | Utthita Balasana |
Extended Frog Pose | uttāna maṇḍūkāsana | Uttana Mandukasana |
Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose | utthita hasta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana |
Extended Leg Pose | uttāna pādāsana | Uttana Padasana |
Extended Triangle Pose | utthita trikoṇāsana | Utthita Trikonasana |
Feathered Peacock Pose | piñca mayūrāsana | Pincha Mayurasana |
Feet-Behind-The Head Pose A | dvipāda śīrṣāsana I | Dvipada Sirshasana I |
Feet-Behind-The Head Pose B | dvipāda śīrṣāsana II | Dvipada Sirshasana II |
Figure Four Pose | eka pāda utkaṭāsana | Eka Pada Utkatasana |
Fire Log Pose | agnistambhāsana | Agnistambhasana |
Firefly Pose | ṭiṭṭibhāsana | Tittibhasana |
Firefly Pose B | ṭiṭṭibhāsana II | Tittibhasana II |
Firefly Pose C | ṭiṭṭibhāsana III | Tittibhasana III |
Fish Pose | matsyāsana | Matsyasana |
Five-Pointed Star Pose | utthita tāḍāsana | Utthita Tadasana |
Floating Staff Pose | utplutiḥ daṇḍāsana | Utplutih Dandasana |
Flying Pigeon Pose | ekapāda gālavāsana | Ekapada Galavasana |
Flying Splits Pose | ekapāda kauṇḍinyāsana B | Ekapada Kaundinyasana B |
Foot-Behind-The-Head Pose 1 | ekapāda śīrṣāsana I | Ekapada Sirshasana I |
Foot-Behind-The-Head Pose 2 | ekapāda śīrṣāsana II | Ekapada Sirshasana II |
Foot-Behind-The-Head Pose 3 | ekapāda śīrṣāsana III | Ekapada Sirshasana III |
Four-Limbed Staff Pose | caturaṅga daṇḍāsana | Caturanga Dandasana |
Frog Pose (B) | bhekāsana | Bhekasana |
Frog Pose (M) | maṇḍūkāsana | Mandukasana |
Garland Pose | mālāsana | Malasana |
Gate Pose | parighāsana | Parighasana |
Goddess Pose | utkaṭa koṇāsana | Utkata Konasana |
Gorilla Pose | pādahastāsana | Padahastasana |
Half Boat Pose | ardha nāvāsana | Ardha Navasana |
Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend Pose | ardha baddha padma paścimottānāsana | Ardha Baddha Padma Pascimottanasana |
Half Bow Pose | ardha dhanurāsana | Ardha Dhanurasana |
Half Circle Pose | ardha maṇḍalāsana | Ardha Mandalasana |
Half Cow Face Pose | ardha gomukhāsana | Ardha Gomukhasana |
Half Four-Limbed Staff Pose | ardha caturaṅga daṇḍāsana | Ardha Caturanga Dandasana |
Half Frog Pose | ardha bhekāsana | Ardha Bhekasana |
Half Frog Pose | ardha maṇḍūkāsana | Ardha Mandukasana |
Half Happy Baby Pose | ardha ānanda bālāsana | Ardha Ananda Balasana |
Half Hero Pose | ardha vīrāsana | Ardha Virasana |
Half Locust Pose | ardha śalabhāsana | Ardha Salabhasana |
Half Lord Of The Fishes Pose | ardha matsyendrāsana | Ardha Matsyendrasana |
Half Lotus Pose | ardha padmāsana | Ardha Padmasana |
Half Lotus Tree Pose | ardha padma vṛkṣāsana | Ardha Padma Vrksasana |
Half Monkey Pose | ardha hanumānāsana | Ardha Hanumanasana |
Half Moon Pose | ardha candrāsana | Ardha Candrasana |
Half Moon Bow Pose | ardha candra cāpāsana | Ardha Candra Capasana |
Half Pigeon Pose | ardha kapotāsana | Ardha Kapotasana |
Half Wheel Pose | ardha cakrāsana | Ardha Cakrasana |
Handstand Pose | adho mukha vṛkṣāsana | Adho Mukha Vrksasana |
Happy Baby Pose | ānanda bālāsana | Ananda Balasana |
Head-To-Knee Pose | jānu śīrṣāsana I | Janu Sirsasana I |
Head-To-Knee Pose B | jānu śīrṣāsana II | Janu Sirsasana II |
Head-To-Knee Pose C | jānu śīrṣāsana III | Janu Sirsasana III |
Hero Pose | vīrāsana | Virasana |
Heron Pose | krauñcāsana | Krauncasana |
Warrior 1 Pose | vīrabhadrāsana I | Virabhadrasana I |
Crescent Lunge Pose | aṣṭa candrāsana | Asta Candrasana |
Extended Side Angle Pose | utthita pārśvakoṇāsana | Utthita Parsvakonasana |
Bound Side Angle Pose | baddha pārśvakoṇāsana | Baddha Parsvakonasana |
Humble Warrior Pose | baddha vīrabhadrāsana | Baddha Virabhadrasana |
Himalayana Duck Pose | kāraṇḍavāsana | Karandavasana |
Horse Face Pose | vātāyanāsana | Vatayanasana |
Infinity Pose | anantāsana | Anantasana |
Intense Half Bound Lotus Pose | ardha baddha padmottānāsana | Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana |
Intense Side Stretch Pose | pārśvottānāsana | Parsvottanasana |
Inverted Locust Pose | viparīta śalabhāsana | Viparita Shalabhasana |
Inverted Staff Pose | viparīta daṇḍāsana | Viparita Dandasana |
King Pigeon Pose | rāja kapotāsana | Raja Kapotasana |
Lion Pose | siṃhāsana | Simhasana |
Little Thunderbolt Pose | laghu vajrāsana | Laghu Vajrasana |
Locust Pose | śalabhāsana | Salabhasana |
Locust Pose B | śalabhāsana B | Salabhasana B |
Lord of the Dance Pose | naṭarājāsana | Natarajasana |
Lord Of The Fishes Pose | paripūrṇa matsyendrāsana | Paripurna Matsyendrasana |
Lotus Pose | padmāsana | Padmasana |
Crescent Moon Pose | āñjaneyāsana | Anjaneyasana |
Equestrian Pose | aśva sañcalanāsana | Asva Sancalanasana |
Bound Crescent Moon Pose | baddha āñjaneyāsana | Baddha Anjaneyasana |
Marichis Pose Pose A | maricyāsana I | Marichyasana I |
Marichis Pose Pose B | maricyāsana II | Marichyasana II |
Marichis Pose Pose C | maricyāsana III | Marichyasana III |
Marichis Pose Pose D | maricyāsana IV | Marichyasana IV |
Melting Heart Pose | anāhatāsana | Anahatasana |
Monkey Pose | hanumānāsana | Hanumanasana |
Mountain Pose | tāḍāsana | Tadasana |
Noose Pose | pāśāsana | Pasasana |
One-Legged Bridge Pose | ekapāda setu bandha sarvāṅgāsana | Ekapada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana |
One-Legged Downward-Facing Dog Pose | ekapāda adho mukha śvānāsana | Ekapada Adho Mukha Svanasana |
One-Legged Inverted Staff Pose | ekapāda viparīta daṇḍāsana | Ekapada Viparita Dandasana |
One-Legged King Pigeon Pose | ekapāda rāja kapotāsana | Ekapada Raja Kapotasana |
One-Legged Mountain Pose | eka pāda tāḍāsana | Eka Pada Tadasana |
One-Legged Plank Pose | ekapāda kumbhakāsana | Ekapada Kumbhakasana |
One-Legged Scorpion Pose | ekapāda vṛścikāsana | Ekapada Vrschikasana |
One-Legged Shoulderstand Pose | ekapāda sarvāṅgāsana | Ekapada Sarvangasana |
One-Legged Upward Bow Pose | ekapāda ūrdhva dhanurāsana | Ekapada Urdhva Dhanurasana |
One-Legged Wind-Relieving Pose | ekapāda pavanamuktāsana | Ekapada Pavanamuktasana |
Peacock Pose | mayūrāsana | Mayurasana |
Pendant Pose | lolāsana | Lolasana |
Pigeon Pose | kapotāsana | Kapotasana |
Plank Pose | kumbhakāsana | Kumbhakasana |
Plow Pose | halāsana | Halasana |
Rabbit Pose | śaśāsana | Sasasana |
Reclining Angle Pose | supta koṇāsana | Supta Konasana |
Reclining Baby Cradle Pose | supta hindolāsana | Supta Hindolasana |
Reclining Big Toe Pose | supta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Supta Padangusthasana |
Reclining Bound Angle Pose | supta baddha koṇāsana | Supta Baddha Konasana |
Reclining Hero Pose | supta vīrāsana | Supta Virasana |
Reclining Pigeon Pose | supta kapotāsana | Supta Kapotasana |
Reclining Revolved Eagle Pose | supta parivṛtta garuḍāsana | Supta Parivrtta Garudasana |
Reclining Staff Pose | supta daṇḍāsana | Supta Dandasana |
Reclining Thunderbolt Pose | supta vajrāsana | Supta Vajrasana |
Reclining Tortoise Pose | supta kūrmāsana | Supta Kurmasana |
Reclining Tree Pose | supta vṛkṣāsana | Supta Vrksasana |
Reclining Twist Pose | supta matsyendrāsana | Supta Matsyendrasana |
Reverse Corpse Pose | adhvāsana | Adhvasana |
Reverse Table Pose | ardha pūrvottānāsana | Ardha Purvottanasana |
Reverse Triangle Pose | viparīta trikoṇāsana | Viparita Trikonasana |
Revolved Boat Pose | parivṛtta nāvāsana | Parivrtta Navasana |
Revolved Chair Pose | parivṛtta utkaṭāsana | Parivrtta Utkatasana |
Revolved Downward-Facing Dog Pose | parivṛtta adho mukha śvānāsana | Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana |
Revolved Garland Pose | parivṛtta mālāsana | Parivrtta Malasana |
Revolved Goddess Pose | parivṛtta utkaṭa koṇāsana | Parivrtta Utkata Konasana |
Revolved Half Lotus Pose | parivṛtta ardha padmāsana | Parivrtta Ardha Padmasana |
Revolved Half Moon Pose | parivṛtta ardha candrāsana | Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana |
Revolved Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose | parivṛtta hasta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana |
Revolved Head-To-Knee Pose | parivṛtta jānu śīrṣāsana | Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana |
Revolved Reclining Big Toe Pose | parivṛtta supta pādāṅguṣṭhāsana | Parivrtta Supta Padangusthasana |
Revolved Split-Legged Headstand Pose | parivṛttaikapāda śīrṣāsana | Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana |
Revolved Thunderbolt Pose | parivṛtta vajrāsana | Parivrtta Vajrasana |
Revolved Triangle Pose | parivṛtta trikoṇāsana | Parivrtta Trikonasana |
Revolved Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose | parivṛtta prasārita pādottānāsana | Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana |
Rooster Pose | kukkuṭāsana | Kukkutasana |
Sage Vishvamitra’s Pose | viśvāmitrāsana | Visvamitrasana |
Scale Lifted Lotus Pose | tulāsana / utplutiḥ | Tulasana / Utpluti Dandasana |
Scorpion Pose | vṛścikāsana I | Vrschikasana I |
Scorpion Handstand Pose | vṛścikāsana II | Vrschikasana II |
Easy Pose | sukhāsana | Sukhasana |
Shoulder Press Pose | bhujapīḍāsana | Bhujapidasana |
Shoulder Stand Pose | sālamba sarvāṅgāsana | Salamba Sarvangasana |
Side Bow Pose | pārśva dhanurāsana | Parsva Dhanurasana |
Side Crow Pose | pārśva bakāsana | Parsva Bakasana |
Side Fetal Pose | pārśva śavāsana | Parsva Savasana |
Side Lunge Pose | skandāsana | Skandasana |
Side Plank Pose | vasiṣṭhāsana | Vasisthasana |
Side Plow Pose | pārśva halāsana | Parsva Halasana |
Sleeping Yogi Pose | yoga nidrāsana | Yoga Nidrasana |
Snake Pose | sarpāsana | Sarpasana |
Sphinx Pose | sālamba bhujaṅgāsana | Salamba Bhujangasana |
Staff Pose | daṇḍāsana | Dandasana |
Standing Backbend Pose | anuvittāsana | Anuvittasana |
Standing Forward Bend Pose | uttānāsana | Uttanasana |
Standing Half Forward Bend Pose | ardha uttānāsana | Ardha Uttanasana |
Standing Splits Pose | ūrdhva prasārita eka pādāsana | Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana |
Supported Headstand Pose | sālamba śīrṣāsana | Salamba Sirsasana |
Table Pose | bhārmanāsana | Bharmanasana |
Table Twist Pose | parivṛtta bhārmanāsana | Parivrtta Bharmanasana |
Thread The Needle Pose | pārśva bālāsana | Parsva Balasana |
Three Parts Forward Bend Pose | tiryaṅ mukhaikapāda paścimottānāsana | Tiryang Mukhaikapada Paschimottanasana |
Thunderbolt Pose | vajrāsana | Vajrasana |
Tiger Pose | vyāghrāsana | Vyaghrasana |
Tortoise Pose | kūrmāsana | Kurmasana |
Tree Pose | vṛkṣāsana | Vrksasana |
Tripod Headstand Pose | mukta hasta śīrṣāsana | Mukta Hasta Sirsasana |
Twisted 1-Legged Arm Balance Pose | ekapāda kauṇḍinyāsana A | Ekapada Kaundinyasana A |
Unsupported Tiger Pose | nirālamba vyāghrāsana | Niralamba Vyaghrasana |
Upward Bow Pose | ūrdhva dhanurāsana / cakrāsana | Urdhva Dhanurasana / Chakrasana |
Upward Facing Dog Pose | Upward-Facing Dog | Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog) |
Upward Facing Forward Bend Pose | ūrdhva mukha paścimottānāsana | Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana |
Upward Lotus Pose | ūrdhva padmāsana | Urdhva Padmasana |
Upward Plank Pose | pūrvottānāsana | Purvottanasana |
Upward Salute Pose | ūrdhva hāstāsana | Urdhva Hastasana |
Upward Salute Side Bend Pose | pārśva ūrdhva hāstāsana | Parsva Urdhva Hastasana |
Warrior 2 Pose | vīrabhadrāsana 2 | Virabhadrasana 2 |
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose | upaviṣṭa koṇāsana | Upavista Konasana |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose | prasārita pādottānāsana | Prasarita Padottanasana |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose A | prasārita pādottānāsana I | Prasarita Padottanasana I |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose B | prasārita pādottānāsana II | Prasarita Padottanasana II |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose C | prasārita pādottānāsana III | Prasarita Padottanasana III |
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose D | prasārita pādottānāsana IV | Prasarita Padottanasana IV |
Wild Thing Pose | camatkārāsana | Camatkarasana |
Wind-Relieving Pose | pavanamuktāsana | Pavanamuktasana |
Wounded Peacock Pose | pungu mayūrāsana | Pungu Mayurasana |
Yoga Seal Pose | yoga mudrā | Yoga Mudra |
The Fun Approach: Learn Yoga Poses Names with Stick Figures
Yoga stick figures make the learning process much simpler. They serve as visual aids that you can refer to any time you need to.
Stick Figures: Your Secret Weapon for Learning Yoga Pose Names
When you’re learning yoga, figuring out the names of the poses can be a little tricky. But don’t worry, I’ve got a fun and effective way to help you! By using stick figures, you can visually link each pose’s shape with its name. This way, the Sanskrit names won’t seem so foreign anymore. Each time you see the stick figure in a particular pose, your brain will start to connect it with the corresponding Sanskrit name. Whether it’s a quick reminder before your yoga class or a mini self-study session on your coffee break, learning yoga pose names has never been this easy and enjoyable.
Yoga Cards for a Handy Reference (+ Free Yoga Cards)
If you’re someone who prefers a more portable option, you might love my printable cards. Each card features a yoga stick figure and the Sanskrit name of the pose. You can carry these cards with you, making it easy to practice or revise the poses wherever you are.

I offer two packs of Yoga Cards, Part 1 and Part 2, each containing different poses for a varied and comprehensive practice.
If you just want to dip your toes in, there’s good news: you can start with a set of 24 cards available for free download. This allows you to try out some poses, experience the benefits, and get a taste of what the full packs have to offer.
The Yoga Cards are easy to use, super convenient, and make learning yoga pose names a breeze. Enjoy your practice at your own pace, and see how these yoga cards can support your journey.
The Ultimative Yoga Pose Cheat Sheet
For a more structured learning process, I’ve created a cheat sheet. Each pose is accompanied by a stick figure illustration, making it simple to identify and remember the asanas. This resource is perfect for both yoga practitioners and teachers. The printable PDF with Yoga Stick-Figures helps you quickly learn the names of nearly all major poses, saving you time and effort. No more looking up names every time!

Ever wished for a quick reference while practicing yoga? This helpful guide features each pose with a corresponding stick figure, taking the guesswork out of identifying asanas. It’s an excellent resource for anyone, whether you’re just starting your yoga journey or teaching a class. The cheat sheet is a downloadable PDF, filled with Yoga Stick-Figures that provide an easy visual guide to nearly all major yoga poses. Say goodbye to repeatedly searching for pose names, and instead, enjoy a smooth, flowing practice with the Yoga Pose Name Cheat Sheet by your side.
Yoga Posters for Inspiration and Learning
And then there are my posters. These beautifully designed posters feature a collection of yoga stick figures along with their Sanskrit names. They’re not only educational but also make great wall art for your home or yoga studio.

I’ve designed a printable Yoga Poster featuring 180 different poses. It’s a wonderful resource that can transform any space into an instant yoga studio. Each asana is beautifully represented with clear stick figures, so you can easily identify and replicate the pose. Hang it on your wall for quick reference during your home practice or use it as a teaching tool in a studio. This poster gives you a snapshot of a wide variety of poses, making it easier to plan and enrich your yoga routines. With this poster, you’re just one glance away from guidance on 180 yoga poses.
So, if you’ve ever felt a bit lost with Sanskrit yoga pose names, remember, you’re not alone. And with Yoga Paper, you have a friend to guide you along the way. Let’s make learning about yoga pose names a fun and enriching part of your yoga journey.